Shiloh Sharings

The official blog of

Shiloh United Methodist Church, Granite Quarry, NC

"Our hands are God's hands. All of us, empowered by the Holy Spirit, are inviting, welcoming, nurturing, and witnessing to all God's children to become loyal and devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. The more we focus on Christ, the more Christ-like we become."

Friday, April 28, 2006

Prayer Concerns, April 16 & 23, 2006

April 23:

Stanley & Doris Fouts, Joyce Kneip & family, Bill & Norma Hoyle, The Tadlocks, Lydia Hatley, Pearl Campbell, Pat & Walt Masters, Reuben & Martha Marlowe, Betty & Ernest Plyler, Peggy McCracken, Ann White, family of Pam Bass, Buddy Kluttz, Dottie Winkler, Heather Redding, Sandy Morgan, Fred Thomopson, Brentley Culp family, Bruce Sims, Tammy Nader & Aaron, Junior Lyerly, John & Annie Marie Seaford

April 16:

Joyce Kneip & her family, those in the military & families, Stanley & Dianne Fouts, Andy Hoffman, Pearl Campbell, Carolyn Okula, Keitha Roden, Eveleny Kiser, Buna Lingle and family, Ryan Beacham, Charlotte Sparks, Patricia Jacobs, Kenneth Todd, Bill & Norma Hoyle, Shelia Lentz, Barry & Ann Powlass, Lori McCallum & Shirley Walker, Cathy Kerchen & Jacobs family, John & Annie Marie Seaford, Bobbbi Benfield, Cathy Eubanks, Pat Masters, Gunnter, Deven Murveen, Wendy Condrey, Nora Kneip, Butch Mabry, Lydia Hatley, Tadlock family, Reuben & Martha Marlowe, Betty & Ernest Plyleer, Peggy McCracken, Fannie Gaither.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Holy Week

Get this video and more at

Thanks to my friend Jonathon Norman for this video. You can click on it to see and hear a beautiful collection of sacred music, photography, and art that tells the story of Holy Week. You may have to wait several moments (depending on the speed of your computer and your connection) before the video starts. Let me know if you can view it! If this works for at least some of you, we may be able to put addtional videos from our church on line for viewing.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Prayer Concerns April 9, 2006

family of Ruby Clement, R. E. Hoffman, Joyce Kneip, Stephany Melton, Laurie McCallum, Judy Russell, Dottie Winkler, Bill & Norma Hoyle, Junior & Kathy Lyerly, Doris Kluttz, Granny Pope, Carolyn Okula, Patricia Jacobs, Annie Marie & John Seaford, Ryan Beachum, Charlotte Sparks, Lydia Hatley, The Tadlocks, Pearl Campbell, Reuben & Martha Marlowe, Betty & Ernest Plyler, Wendy Condrey, Ann White, Barry & Ann Powlas, Jimmy Benfield, Mark Wilhelm, Halance Benfield, Annie Bringle, Tammy Naylor

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Jonathan's Journals - April 2006

Easter !!!
Well, Christmas has come and gone. Remember Christmas? That’s the holiday of Christ’ Mass. It’s the holiday we are supposed to remember Jesus’ birth. Only problem was that about 50 years ago, we started associating it with Santa Claus and Rudolph instead. We Christians allowed ourselves to let Christmas have some vague, sentimental meaning about good will and happiness. Terrible theology. But it sold well. Christmas became a big boost for sales, and then we couldn’t get enough of it. It was marketed, packaged, and served up with eggnog and chestnuts roasting by an open fire.

We became a victim of our own success. No longer was Christmas a distinctive celebration of the incarnation of the second person of the Trinity; it was just a nice bland holiday, clearly not offensive to anyone. But then Christians noticed something. We were taking Christmas for granted. People weren’t saying “Merry Christmas” any more. They were saying, “Happy Holidays.” That made some Christians mad. They wanted us to remember Jesus as we walked into the department stores to indulge ourselves and spoil our children. People started objecting, holding demonstrations to “save Christmas.” I even remember this past December one man demonstrating in front of a department store. He was holding a sign that said, “Remember the reason for the season.” But this man was dressed up as Santa Claus. How confused can you get?

Well, now it’s Easter. We still have a chance with Easter. We haven’t messed it up yet. It’s hard to market a man being tortured to death and then God raising him from the dead, unless your name is Mel Gibson. But for most of us Easter is still weird. Let’s keep it that way.

Let’s not cozy up to Easter. It’s strange, frightening, earth-shattering, world-changing. Let’s not turn it into “Here comes Peter Cotton tail, hopping down the bunny trail.” Let’s remember: this is about God.

I don’t think Christmas is redeemable, from the standpoint of the general American public. We’ve allowed it to be so sentimentalized that people will never be scandalized by it again. But Easter’s a different story.

At Easter, we remember how distinctively Jewish Jesus was. We remember how he came to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and was hailed as the Son of David, the Messiah (a term meaning “one who is anointed to rule.”) We remember how he observed Passover with his disciples, and shocked them by announcing that one of them would betray him. Judas kissed him, and the Romans arrested him. Caesar’s representative, Pontius Pilate, had him sentenced to death. The disciples fled. Even Peter denied him three times. The Romans crucified him, because they believed in law, order, and swift justice (capital punishment).

The world came to a screeching halt. Darkness in the middle of the day. Earthquakes, rocks splitting, temple veils being torn from the top down, dead people getting up out of their graves (Matthew 27:52). Confusion. Chaos. The disciples, huddling together in fear, wondering when the Romans would come after them too. Judas committed suicide. Peter wept bitterly. How could things get any worse?

Then, suddenly…… Easter! The world is made new. The first fruits of God’s new creation. The promise of resurrection come true. God wins. Jesus appears to the disciples who had betrayed him, offering them forgiveness, new life, hope, a brand new start. Jesus commissions them to turn the world upside down. Or rather, Jesus commissions them to tell the world that He has turned it upside-down, or right-side up. What a story! What a Savior! What a God! Don’t trade it all in for chocolate bunnies.

Remember the lesson we learned from Christmas. Who knows? If we restore the original sense of adventure associated with Easter, we may also re-discover what an extraordinary and shocking miracle Christmas is as well!

Don’t like it when Christmas is secularized? Come to church on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Comments by Walt and Sermon by Jonathan

Click here to listen to excerpts from this morning's worship service. These excerpts both relate to the recent mission trip to Pascagoula.

Prayer Concerns April 2, 2006

Mrs. Okula at GQ Elementary, Ryan Beacham, Charlotte Sparks, Patricia Jacobs, Betty and Ernest Plyler, family of Willard Fisher, Sue and Mike Kosmides, Robert Pulliam, Boots Smith, Andy Eury in Iraq, Stephany Melton, Ann & Barry Powlas, Ann White, Jimmy Benfield, Sharon Kluttz and family, Stanley Fouts, Dianne Foust, Jeannie Russel, Bill & Norma Hoyle, Tadlock family, Reuben and Martha Marlowe, Annie Marie and John Seaford

Pascagoula Pictures

working in the bathroom

The group with Candy, whose floor we replaced in her bedroom.

The group with our new friends Una and Bebe (Walt Masters is cut off - that's the right half of his body!

Una and Bebe's house

Al McCracken on the job.
