Bulletin Announcements, Dec. 5, 2004
Memorial: We have received a gift to the Glory of God and in memory of Virginia Arey, M/M JC Earnhardt, and Robert Williams by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Earnhardt. A gift given by Mrs. Tussey Williams in memory of George Williams was received. Also we received a memorial to Arnold Walton Jr, by the New Beginnings Sunday School Class.
Ushers and Nursery: Keeping the nursery in December are Eleanor Eller and Bitsy Dupree. Ushers are Ernest Plyler, Gene Seaford, Bill Walker, Claude Yates and Ralph Almond.
The Disciple IV class now meets on Sunday nights, rather than Thursday nights – still at 7:00 p.m.
Angel Tree gifts are due today- We thank everyone who took one of these angels as part of our commitment to Granite Quarry Elementary School.
Food Lion Shop and Save: We have re-registered our church for 2005. We also need to re-certify everyone who wishes to continue. If you have already been registered-you can give me your 12 digit number or go on line to their website and go to re-link and do it yourself. There were 52 names in 2004- so far there are 21 for 2005.
Confirmation Class
All students in grades 6-12 who have not been through a confirmation class, please see Pastor Jonathan if you are interested. We want to have a confirmation class that will include: a weekend retreat to Junaluska, a trip to the Jewish synagogue, lessons with the pastor, and a service project. We also want each confirmand to have an adult mentor in the congregation. The whole experience will last for ten weeks in the winter/spring of 2005.
Witness Committee
Our Witness Committee would like to do a promotional DVD for our church - to give to new residents in Granite Quarry to encourage them to attend our church. If you have ideas of activities in our church to include in this DVD/video, please see pastor Jonathan.
Special Christmas Events:
Dec. 6 - Ladies Night Out 6:30 p.m. in Hut – ALL WOMEN INVITED!
Dec. 16 - James Mathis Class Party – other adult SS classes also invited
Dec. 19 – Christmas Program with adult choir and children
Dec. 22 - Church Caroling
On December 16th, the James Mathis Class will have their Christmas Party which is for all of the adult Sunday School Classes.
Rowan Meals on Wheels. In today’s bulletin is an insert for the meals on wheels program which Shiloh help deliver to the people in East Rowan. The money from these tours help fund these programs. If you are unable to attend the open house and would like to make a monetary contribution, please see Eleanor Eller.
Ushers and Nursery: Keeping the nursery in December are Eleanor Eller and Bitsy Dupree. Ushers are Ernest Plyler, Gene Seaford, Bill Walker, Claude Yates and Ralph Almond.
The Disciple IV class now meets on Sunday nights, rather than Thursday nights – still at 7:00 p.m.
Angel Tree gifts are due today- We thank everyone who took one of these angels as part of our commitment to Granite Quarry Elementary School.
Food Lion Shop and Save: We have re-registered our church for 2005. We also need to re-certify everyone who wishes to continue. If you have already been registered-you can give me your 12 digit number or go on line to their website and go to re-link and do it yourself. There were 52 names in 2004- so far there are 21 for 2005.
Confirmation Class
All students in grades 6-12 who have not been through a confirmation class, please see Pastor Jonathan if you are interested. We want to have a confirmation class that will include: a weekend retreat to Junaluska, a trip to the Jewish synagogue, lessons with the pastor, and a service project. We also want each confirmand to have an adult mentor in the congregation. The whole experience will last for ten weeks in the winter/spring of 2005.
Witness Committee
Our Witness Committee would like to do a promotional DVD for our church - to give to new residents in Granite Quarry to encourage them to attend our church. If you have ideas of activities in our church to include in this DVD/video, please see pastor Jonathan.
Special Christmas Events:
Dec. 6 - Ladies Night Out 6:30 p.m. in Hut – ALL WOMEN INVITED!
Dec. 16 - James Mathis Class Party – other adult SS classes also invited
Dec. 19 – Christmas Program with adult choir and children
Dec. 22 - Church Caroling
On December 16th, the James Mathis Class will have their Christmas Party which is for all of the adult Sunday School Classes.
Rowan Meals on Wheels. In today’s bulletin is an insert for the meals on wheels program which Shiloh help deliver to the people in East Rowan. The money from these tours help fund these programs. If you are unable to attend the open house and would like to make a monetary contribution, please see Eleanor Eller.
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