Shiloh Sharings

The official blog of

Shiloh United Methodist Church, Granite Quarry, NC

"Our hands are God's hands. All of us, empowered by the Holy Spirit, are inviting, welcoming, nurturing, and witnessing to all God's children to become loyal and devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. The more we focus on Christ, the more Christ-like we become."

Monday, April 04, 2005

United Methodist Bishop Timothy Whitaker

One of my favorite bishops in the United Methodist Church is Bishop Timothy Whitaker of the Florida Annual Conference. (Of course my very favorite bishop is our own Western North Carolina bishop, Lawrence McClesky - just in case you are reading this, Bishop McClesky!)

Anyway, below are some links of essays written by Bishop Whitaker:

Here's a sermon Bishop Whitaker preached in Washington DC on the recent anniversary of Roe v Wade.

Here's Bishop Whitaker's commentary on the Terri Schiavo story.


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