May 2007 Newsletter
MAY 2007
This year's Vacation Bible School is from June 18 –22 from 5:15 until 8:00. This year Joanne Porter is our coordinator for VBS, with help from Terry Cameron. The theme is "Lift Off - Soaring to New Heights with God" . We hope those with children will go ahead and mark your calendars.
Children are encouraged to invite their friends to attend. There will be a light meal for both children and adults and classes for all. Members of the UMYF will be helping with the story time.
There will be a registration forms in next month's newsletter- if you need additional copies, we will have them in June's bulletins or you may pick one up at the church office.
Budget Business
3-4 .. 6104
3-11 . 1149
3-18 . 2391
3-25 ..1892
Building Fund:
3-4 .. 3752
3-11 . 1089
3-18 .. 406
3-25 .. 847
total. 6094
May 6th - Michael and Joanne Porter
May 13th_ Bill and Linda Braswell
May 20th-Norma Hoyle
May 27th-Denise McNeely
Judy Shell and Lou Honeycutt
May 6th_ 7:30- UM Men Breakfast
May 7th_ 7:00 Executive meeting
UMW 7:30 Regular meting UMW
May 8th_ 7:30- Trustees
May 20th - East Rowan honors chorus -covered dish meal afterwards
Nurture News
The East Rowan Honors Chorus will be worshipping with us on May 20th• This is always special for the congregation. Our own Adam Yoe is a member of this fine group of men and women. This year the nurture committee would like for the congregation to bring, covered dishes to have a meal afterwards with the members of the choir and their families. They are so faithful to their music ministry in the East Rowan community. We should all be proud to sponsor a lunch for this special group. Remember May 20th at the 11 :00 service. We will need volunteers to help with setting up the hall and cleaning up afterwards (hopefully not the same people).
The bridal shower for Laura Yoe was well attended by the church. Thanks to everyone who came and participated in this special time for Laura. It was such fun.
On June 3rd, from 3-5, there will be a baby shower for Debbie Hughes. Her bundle of joy is a little girl and is expected to arrive the middle of June. We hope everyone will come and enjoy and share this special time for Debbie, Mike, Courtney and Jacob. We are all excited for them. We will have a new sister in Christ
The world is in such a mess, celebrating exciting events through the church helps each of us cope with the bad in the world. We have such a loving, supportive church family. Being brothers and sisters in Christ, we have each other to lean on in bad times. Come celebrate being a part-of Shiloh by being involved in the events happening at the church. You will be blessed!
Shelia and Jeanna
Dates for your calendars:
May 20th-East Rowan Chorus
June 3rd - Shower for Debbie Hughes
Bible School- June 18-22 - Joanne Porter -director
(The importance of Sunday School)
**Consider the important facts when deciding about Sunday School**
· 75% of all church members come from Sunday School
· 85% of all church workers come from Sunday School
· 95% of all pastors come from Sunday School
** BUT **
· 60% of all grade school children do not attend Sunday School
· 85% of all high school young people do not attend Sunday School
· 90% of all college young people do not attend Sunday School
** What a golden opportunity with a mission field right at our own back door! Don't be a
part of the second set of statistics. * * Oak Hills Church- Butler Pa
The Intersection of Science and Religion
Jonathan’s Journals
As I was riding in my car today, I turned on the radio to the local NPR station and listened to an interview with Dr. John Polkinghorne. He is an interesting man. He is a particle physicist at Cambridge University in England. After years of studying and teaching physics, he also became a priest in the Church of England. He is in Charlotte this week at Queens College speaking on the topic of “Can a Scientist Pray?” (His answer is obviously “yes!” but I’d love to hear him speak more about it!)
Dr. Polkinghorne’s main point in the interview that I heard was that all truth comes from God. Science and Christian theology reveal different dimensions of God’s truth, and they are not in conflict with one another. This was a refreshing perspective to hear. How many times have we been told that we must choose between belief in the Bible and acceptance of modern science? Dr. Polkinghorne’s journey to Christian faith, not despite science, but through science, reveals to us that too often the discussion of between Christians and scientists is skewed, and the conflict does not need to happen.
The interviewer asked, “Scientists really know for sure what they are studying, but religions persons can’t really know, they only believe, right?” Dr. Polkinghorne responded, “It depends on what you mean by ‘know.’ We can’t really know a person the same way we know about physics. When we say we know a person, there is always an element of mystery to it. Our knowledge of God is more like knowing a person; it’s a very personal knowledge, but it is knowledge nonetheless.”
Many times there is a supposed conflict between faith and science when the creation of the world is discussed. As a theologian, one of the things that Dr. Polkinghorne pointed out was that the Bible is a library of different books and a collection of many different genres of literature. We do not need read poetry the same way that we read prose, neither do we read the first chapter of Genesis the same way we read the first chapter of Luke, for example. If a poet says, “My love is a red, red rose,” we do not think that his wife has green leaves and prickly thorns. That would be missing the point of the poem. In the same way, we do not have to take the first chapter of Genesis as a blow-by-blow account of exactly the way the world was created. We can accept the discoveries of science without it conflicting with our faith claims. The first chapter of Genesis teaches us that God created the world in which we live as a good world, that God blessed it, and God gave human kind responsibility to take care of it. Nothing that science teaches us is in conflict with these theological convictions.
There is, however, one Biblical teaching that is not poetic or metaphorical: the resurrection. It is quite literally true that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter morning. It cannot be explained by science, but neither can it be disproved by science. It is the basis of Christian faith. The resurrection now becomes our starting point for how we understand all other spheres of reality. Even physicists are discovering things about the nature of particles and waves that they previously thought impossible. God is full of surprises, for all of us: scientists, theologians, and the rest of us plain simple folks. I expect there is much more God has to teach us about our scientific world and about our faith. The good news is that because of Easter, we have no reason to fear either one.
Outreach Committee News
May 4th & 5th is Relay for Life, please come out to the fair grounds and join us!
John Hunter from Rowan County Department of Social Services (DSS) presented a program on the Rowan County One Church, One Child Program. One Church, One Child program is a mission/outreach program between DSS and local churches that is designed to make a difference in the lives of children and families lives by:
Identifying and supporting families in congregations who are or may be interested in becoming a foster and/or adoptive parent.
Enlightening worshippers about the needs of Rowan County children and families who need assistance and support.
The Shiloh Outreach Committee would like to support the One Church, One Child program. The committee will be looking for a church coordinator for this program and would like the church to sponsor one or more programs during the year. The coordinator will develop and keep updated a resource center regarding foster care/adoption and keep the needs of children and families before the congregation throughout the year.
The Outreach Committee is also researching the idea of Shiloh having a Preschool and/or Mother's Morning Out Program to support the community.
Shiloh sponsors the Soup Kitchen every other month on the 4th Saturday. We are hoping the following groups can help on the dates listed below for 2007:
April 28th James Mathis/Choir
June 23rd Youth Group
August 25th Methodist Women
October 27th Methodist Men
December 22nd The Gaither Family
Please let Tracy Kluttz or Debbie Mathis know if these dates are not good for your group.
The Outreach Committee will meet again on Monday, May 14 at 7:00 p.m.
Blankets for Missions:
These ladies meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month. You are welcome to come and chat if you don't knit . Afterwards, they are go somewhere for lunch so it's a good time to just relax and visit.
United Methodist Men
The men will be meeting and eating on Sunday, May 6th, at 8:00. All men are invited to come and fellowship with us. We eat promptly at 8:00 so come early for coffee and stories and then after breakfast, we have a short devotion and get home around 8:45.
United Methodist Youth
This month is UM Youth month at Shiloh and the UMYF will be ushering for the Sundays in May. They will have as their guest the honors chorus from East Rowan High School under the leadership of Dean Orbison . There will be a covered dish meal afterwards for everyone.
We are also going to be camping out at Rowan Fairgrounds for the Relay for Life. If you· have not yet made a donation for Relay for Life, please see Tracy Kluttz or a team member.
2007 Laity Award Recipient
This year the Laity Award Committee selected as this year's selection the Shiloh Choir under the direction of Mrs. Lynn Reeder.
This award not only recognizes this year’s choir but pays respect to all people who have sang in the choir for Shiloh.
They bring more that music to our church as many of these members are not only involved with practicing an hour a week and showing up more regularly on Sundays than most members but they are involved with many other committees -Nurture, Witness, Outreach-Sunday School, Trustees-UM Women and Men- There is not a committee in the church that does not have at least one choir member as part of it.
Confirmation class
This year's confirmation class is one of the biggest groups in recent years. Among the youth who are in the confirmation class are Colin Brown, Hunter Kluttz, Elizabeth Marlowe, Jared Mathis, Kristen Mathis, Katie Peeler, Mandy Peeler and Sarah Rex. These young people and their mentors along with Pastor Jonathan and Angela have worked hard into getting· prepared for this time in their lives. Confirmation Sunday is May 29th at the 11 :00 service.
May 2007
The Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success. Everyone seemed to have fun even hunting for eggs in our winter coats. Thank you to all who helped plan and to those who participated. Special thanks goes to the Porter Family for hosting the egg hunt.
Kids for Christ
next meeting:
Sunday May 6
5:00 pm
We will meet in the fellowship hall.
Vacation Bible School – June 18-22
Don’t forget to sign up.
May Schedule
Saturday April 28 – Worship at Sacred Heart Catholic Church
We will leave Shiloh UMC at 5:00 pm. Parents are invited to come as well.
Sunday April 29 - 6:00 pm – note time change
Sunday May 6 – 6:30 pm
Sunday May 20 – 6:30 pm
Saturday May 26 – 5:30 pm Dinner at the church with confirmands, families and mentors to celebrate.
Sunday May 27 - Confirmation Sunday during worship.
Thank you for all of your hard work at the car wash. It was a great success and we raised over $500 for Relay for Life. Special thanks goes to all of the adults who helped and to those who provided hot dogs. We had a wonderful day.
Summer Opportunities
Vacation Bible School – June 18-22
Camp Tekoa – July 8-14.
Youth week at Lake Junaluska – July 22-26
Plans for the spring
May 2 – Hot Dog and Hamburger Dinner sponsored by the Youth. 80% of the proceeds from this dinner will go to these summer youth projects and 20% will go to the building fund.
May 4-5 – Relay For Life. Let Robert, Tracy or Angela know if you are planning to spend the night.
Wednesday May 16 – 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Practice for Youth Sunday.
Tuesday May 29 - 5:30 pm – Pizza dinner at Mr. Gatti’s. We will gather for an evening of fun and fellowship over pizza.
VBS – The youth will be leading the Bible story time. Watch for email about practice times. All youth are welcome to help.
May Birthdays
2 - Dick Barringer
3 - David Brown
Ann Porter
Justin McNeely
6 Lauren McNeely
7 - John Spidell
Cody Hemmings
11 - Anna Braswell
12 - Marsden Kitley Michael Holton
13 - Marisa Rabon Hayley Boltz
15 - Peggy Wood
Gene Seaford
16 - Kim Barringer
Dan Herlocker
17 - Mike Brinkley
Eleanor Eller
Louise Herlocker
18 - Ed Dupree
Vernon Overcash
19 - Davey Benfield
23 - Fran Mabry
Deborah Bernhardt
25 - Allison Culp
27 - Myra Dean
29 - Crystal Fortner
8 - Steve and Denise McNeely
11 - Steven and Tammy Bowers
12 - Doug and Terry Cameron
13 - Bill and Linda Braswell
James and Sarah Brown
15 - James and Nancy Jones
22 - Jonathan and Angela Marlowe
Ty and Erin Miller
23 - Chris and Robin Earnhardt
24 - Bill and Shirley Walker
31 - Jim and Jean Brown
The UMYF will be ushering for the month of May. Keeping the nursery will be Francine Middleton and Angie Overcash.
Acolytes for May:
6th-Sarah Rex and Kelby Porter
13th-Katie Peeler and Jacob Hughes
20th -Elizabeth Marlowe and Hunter Kluttz
27th -Kelby Porter and Rachel Marlowe
James Mathis Can Fund
This is an on going project of the James Mathis Sunday School Class and everyone can help. Simply bring your aluminum cans to the home of Mary Ida Mathis on Frick S10 in Granite Quarry. Class has made donations to American Cancer Society, Jimmy Carter Fund, Habitat for Humanity , and Duke Share the Warmth program along with others.
Rowan Helping Ministries
There is a basket located in the breezeway for members to bring can food on Sundays. We hope that more of us will start contributing to this mission. We will still have our pack-a-sack in August but thanks to Doris Kluttz who provided the basket and is transporting food.
2007 Graduates
Graduating from East Rowan High School this year are Lauren File, Larren Kluttz and Adam Yoe. Laura Yoe was a December graduate from. Cabbarus College of Nursing. We will honor graduates on June 5th.
MAY 2007
This year's Vacation Bible School is from June 18 –22 from 5:15 until 8:00. This year Joanne Porter is our coordinator for VBS, with help from Terry Cameron. The theme is "Lift Off - Soaring to New Heights with God" . We hope those with children will go ahead and mark your calendars.
Children are encouraged to invite their friends to attend. There will be a light meal for both children and adults and classes for all. Members of the UMYF will be helping with the story time.
There will be a registration forms in next month's newsletter- if you need additional copies, we will have them in June's bulletins or you may pick one up at the church office.
Budget Business
3-4 .. 6104
3-11 . 1149
3-18 . 2391
3-25 ..1892
Building Fund:
3-4 .. 3752
3-11 . 1089
3-18 .. 406
3-25 .. 847
total. 6094
May 6th - Michael and Joanne Porter
May 13th_ Bill and Linda Braswell
May 20th-Norma Hoyle
May 27th-Denise McNeely
Judy Shell and Lou Honeycutt
May 6th_ 7:30- UM Men Breakfast
May 7th_ 7:00 Executive meeting
UMW 7:30 Regular meting UMW
May 8th_ 7:30- Trustees
May 20th - East Rowan honors chorus -covered dish meal afterwards
Nurture News
The East Rowan Honors Chorus will be worshipping with us on May 20th• This is always special for the congregation. Our own Adam Yoe is a member of this fine group of men and women. This year the nurture committee would like for the congregation to bring, covered dishes to have a meal afterwards with the members of the choir and their families. They are so faithful to their music ministry in the East Rowan community. We should all be proud to sponsor a lunch for this special group. Remember May 20th at the 11 :00 service. We will need volunteers to help with setting up the hall and cleaning up afterwards (hopefully not the same people).
The bridal shower for Laura Yoe was well attended by the church. Thanks to everyone who came and participated in this special time for Laura. It was such fun.
On June 3rd, from 3-5, there will be a baby shower for Debbie Hughes. Her bundle of joy is a little girl and is expected to arrive the middle of June. We hope everyone will come and enjoy and share this special time for Debbie, Mike, Courtney and Jacob. We are all excited for them. We will have a new sister in Christ
The world is in such a mess, celebrating exciting events through the church helps each of us cope with the bad in the world. We have such a loving, supportive church family. Being brothers and sisters in Christ, we have each other to lean on in bad times. Come celebrate being a part-of Shiloh by being involved in the events happening at the church. You will be blessed!
Shelia and Jeanna
Dates for your calendars:
May 20th-East Rowan Chorus
June 3rd - Shower for Debbie Hughes
Bible School- June 18-22 - Joanne Porter -director
(The importance of Sunday School)
**Consider the important facts when deciding about Sunday School**
· 75% of all church members come from Sunday School
· 85% of all church workers come from Sunday School
· 95% of all pastors come from Sunday School
** BUT **
· 60% of all grade school children do not attend Sunday School
· 85% of all high school young people do not attend Sunday School
· 90% of all college young people do not attend Sunday School
** What a golden opportunity with a mission field right at our own back door! Don't be a
part of the second set of statistics. * * Oak Hills Church- Butler Pa
The Intersection of Science and Religion
Jonathan’s Journals
As I was riding in my car today, I turned on the radio to the local NPR station and listened to an interview with Dr. John Polkinghorne. He is an interesting man. He is a particle physicist at Cambridge University in England. After years of studying and teaching physics, he also became a priest in the Church of England. He is in Charlotte this week at Queens College speaking on the topic of “Can a Scientist Pray?” (His answer is obviously “yes!” but I’d love to hear him speak more about it!)
Dr. Polkinghorne’s main point in the interview that I heard was that all truth comes from God. Science and Christian theology reveal different dimensions of God’s truth, and they are not in conflict with one another. This was a refreshing perspective to hear. How many times have we been told that we must choose between belief in the Bible and acceptance of modern science? Dr. Polkinghorne’s journey to Christian faith, not despite science, but through science, reveals to us that too often the discussion of between Christians and scientists is skewed, and the conflict does not need to happen.
The interviewer asked, “Scientists really know for sure what they are studying, but religions persons can’t really know, they only believe, right?” Dr. Polkinghorne responded, “It depends on what you mean by ‘know.’ We can’t really know a person the same way we know about physics. When we say we know a person, there is always an element of mystery to it. Our knowledge of God is more like knowing a person; it’s a very personal knowledge, but it is knowledge nonetheless.”
Many times there is a supposed conflict between faith and science when the creation of the world is discussed. As a theologian, one of the things that Dr. Polkinghorne pointed out was that the Bible is a library of different books and a collection of many different genres of literature. We do not need read poetry the same way that we read prose, neither do we read the first chapter of Genesis the same way we read the first chapter of Luke, for example. If a poet says, “My love is a red, red rose,” we do not think that his wife has green leaves and prickly thorns. That would be missing the point of the poem. In the same way, we do not have to take the first chapter of Genesis as a blow-by-blow account of exactly the way the world was created. We can accept the discoveries of science without it conflicting with our faith claims. The first chapter of Genesis teaches us that God created the world in which we live as a good world, that God blessed it, and God gave human kind responsibility to take care of it. Nothing that science teaches us is in conflict with these theological convictions.
There is, however, one Biblical teaching that is not poetic or metaphorical: the resurrection. It is quite literally true that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter morning. It cannot be explained by science, but neither can it be disproved by science. It is the basis of Christian faith. The resurrection now becomes our starting point for how we understand all other spheres of reality. Even physicists are discovering things about the nature of particles and waves that they previously thought impossible. God is full of surprises, for all of us: scientists, theologians, and the rest of us plain simple folks. I expect there is much more God has to teach us about our scientific world and about our faith. The good news is that because of Easter, we have no reason to fear either one.
Outreach Committee News
May 4th & 5th is Relay for Life, please come out to the fair grounds and join us!
John Hunter from Rowan County Department of Social Services (DSS) presented a program on the Rowan County One Church, One Child Program. One Church, One Child program is a mission/outreach program between DSS and local churches that is designed to make a difference in the lives of children and families lives by:
Identifying and supporting families in congregations who are or may be interested in becoming a foster and/or adoptive parent.
Enlightening worshippers about the needs of Rowan County children and families who need assistance and support.
The Shiloh Outreach Committee would like to support the One Church, One Child program. The committee will be looking for a church coordinator for this program and would like the church to sponsor one or more programs during the year. The coordinator will develop and keep updated a resource center regarding foster care/adoption and keep the needs of children and families before the congregation throughout the year.
The Outreach Committee is also researching the idea of Shiloh having a Preschool and/or Mother's Morning Out Program to support the community.
Shiloh sponsors the Soup Kitchen every other month on the 4th Saturday. We are hoping the following groups can help on the dates listed below for 2007:
April 28th James Mathis/Choir
June 23rd Youth Group
August 25th Methodist Women
October 27th Methodist Men
December 22nd The Gaither Family
Please let Tracy Kluttz or Debbie Mathis know if these dates are not good for your group.
The Outreach Committee will meet again on Monday, May 14 at 7:00 p.m.
Blankets for Missions:
These ladies meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month. You are welcome to come and chat if you don't knit . Afterwards, they are go somewhere for lunch so it's a good time to just relax and visit.
United Methodist Men
The men will be meeting and eating on Sunday, May 6th, at 8:00. All men are invited to come and fellowship with us. We eat promptly at 8:00 so come early for coffee and stories and then after breakfast, we have a short devotion and get home around 8:45.
United Methodist Youth
This month is UM Youth month at Shiloh and the UMYF will be ushering for the Sundays in May. They will have as their guest the honors chorus from East Rowan High School under the leadership of Dean Orbison . There will be a covered dish meal afterwards for everyone.
We are also going to be camping out at Rowan Fairgrounds for the Relay for Life. If you· have not yet made a donation for Relay for Life, please see Tracy Kluttz or a team member.
2007 Laity Award Recipient
This year the Laity Award Committee selected as this year's selection the Shiloh Choir under the direction of Mrs. Lynn Reeder.
This award not only recognizes this year’s choir but pays respect to all people who have sang in the choir for Shiloh.
They bring more that music to our church as many of these members are not only involved with practicing an hour a week and showing up more regularly on Sundays than most members but they are involved with many other committees -Nurture, Witness, Outreach-Sunday School, Trustees-UM Women and Men- There is not a committee in the church that does not have at least one choir member as part of it.
Confirmation class
This year's confirmation class is one of the biggest groups in recent years. Among the youth who are in the confirmation class are Colin Brown, Hunter Kluttz, Elizabeth Marlowe, Jared Mathis, Kristen Mathis, Katie Peeler, Mandy Peeler and Sarah Rex. These young people and their mentors along with Pastor Jonathan and Angela have worked hard into getting· prepared for this time in their lives. Confirmation Sunday is May 29th at the 11 :00 service.
May 2007
The Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success. Everyone seemed to have fun even hunting for eggs in our winter coats. Thank you to all who helped plan and to those who participated. Special thanks goes to the Porter Family for hosting the egg hunt.
Kids for Christ
next meeting:
Sunday May 6
5:00 pm
We will meet in the fellowship hall.
Vacation Bible School – June 18-22
Don’t forget to sign up.
May Schedule
Saturday April 28 – Worship at Sacred Heart Catholic Church
We will leave Shiloh UMC at 5:00 pm. Parents are invited to come as well.
Sunday April 29 - 6:00 pm – note time change
Sunday May 6 – 6:30 pm
Sunday May 20 – 6:30 pm
Saturday May 26 – 5:30 pm Dinner at the church with confirmands, families and mentors to celebrate.
Sunday May 27 - Confirmation Sunday during worship.
Thank you for all of your hard work at the car wash. It was a great success and we raised over $500 for Relay for Life. Special thanks goes to all of the adults who helped and to those who provided hot dogs. We had a wonderful day.
Summer Opportunities
Vacation Bible School – June 18-22
Camp Tekoa – July 8-14.
Youth week at Lake Junaluska – July 22-26
Plans for the spring
May 2 – Hot Dog and Hamburger Dinner sponsored by the Youth. 80% of the proceeds from this dinner will go to these summer youth projects and 20% will go to the building fund.
May 4-5 – Relay For Life. Let Robert, Tracy or Angela know if you are planning to spend the night.
Wednesday May 16 – 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Practice for Youth Sunday.
Tuesday May 29 - 5:30 pm – Pizza dinner at Mr. Gatti’s. We will gather for an evening of fun and fellowship over pizza.
VBS – The youth will be leading the Bible story time. Watch for email about practice times. All youth are welcome to help.
May Birthdays
2 - Dick Barringer
3 - David Brown
Ann Porter
Justin McNeely
6 Lauren McNeely
7 - John Spidell
Cody Hemmings
11 - Anna Braswell
12 - Marsden Kitley Michael Holton
13 - Marisa Rabon Hayley Boltz
15 - Peggy Wood
Gene Seaford
16 - Kim Barringer
Dan Herlocker
17 - Mike Brinkley
Eleanor Eller
Louise Herlocker
18 - Ed Dupree
Vernon Overcash
19 - Davey Benfield
23 - Fran Mabry
Deborah Bernhardt
25 - Allison Culp
27 - Myra Dean
29 - Crystal Fortner
8 - Steve and Denise McNeely
11 - Steven and Tammy Bowers
12 - Doug and Terry Cameron
13 - Bill and Linda Braswell
James and Sarah Brown
15 - James and Nancy Jones
22 - Jonathan and Angela Marlowe
Ty and Erin Miller
23 - Chris and Robin Earnhardt
24 - Bill and Shirley Walker
31 - Jim and Jean Brown
The UMYF will be ushering for the month of May. Keeping the nursery will be Francine Middleton and Angie Overcash.
Acolytes for May:
6th-Sarah Rex and Kelby Porter
13th-Katie Peeler and Jacob Hughes
20th -Elizabeth Marlowe and Hunter Kluttz
27th -Kelby Porter and Rachel Marlowe
James Mathis Can Fund
This is an on going project of the James Mathis Sunday School Class and everyone can help. Simply bring your aluminum cans to the home of Mary Ida Mathis on Frick S10 in Granite Quarry. Class has made donations to American Cancer Society, Jimmy Carter Fund, Habitat for Humanity , and Duke Share the Warmth program along with others.
Rowan Helping Ministries
There is a basket located in the breezeway for members to bring can food on Sundays. We hope that more of us will start contributing to this mission. We will still have our pack-a-sack in August but thanks to Doris Kluttz who provided the basket and is transporting food.
2007 Graduates
Graduating from East Rowan High School this year are Lauren File, Larren Kluttz and Adam Yoe. Laura Yoe was a December graduate from. Cabbarus College of Nursing. We will honor graduates on June 5th.
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