Shiloh Sharings

The official blog of

Shiloh United Methodist Church, Granite Quarry, NC

"Our hands are God's hands. All of us, empowered by the Holy Spirit, are inviting, welcoming, nurturing, and witnessing to all God's children to become loyal and devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. The more we focus on Christ, the more Christ-like we become."

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Response to south Asia emergency

The United Methodist Committee on Relief has issued an urgent appeal to help victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in south Asia. Recent estimates are 63,000 dead. A catastrophe of these proportions has the United Nations mobilizing for what is being called the biggest relief operation in history. You can read about what the United Methodist Church is doing and how you can help at:

If you want to write a check on Sunday morning at church, you can mark it "South Asia Emergency," and 100% of your donation will go to help the victims and survivors.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas, Shiloh, from The Salisbury Post

Here is the front page article from the Salisbury Post - about our Christmas Eve Service.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Prayer Concerns, 12-19-04

David Earnhardt, Joyce Kneip, William Owens, Shirley Boone, Mona Rhodes, Jim Sloan, Tracy Riddle, Kenneth Boyd, Marilyn Guill, Karen Kiser, LeAnn Kennedy, Randy Burrows, Carolyn Smith, Mike Hurst and the Hurst family, our soldiers and their families, Iraqi citizens, Jim & Cindy Benfield, Dot & Walt Jones, Wendy Condrey, Jason Merrill, Steve Sifford, Mike Peele, Alexis Rabon, Marisa Rabon, Betty Earnhardt, Nic Howard, Everette Phillips & family, Elaine and Jene Hombarrier, Hazel Allen

"Hear our Prayer, O Lord."

Thursday, December 16, 2004

District Leadership Conference

Details regarding the District Leadership Conference on Sunday, February 6, 2005 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm are coming together. These workshops will be offered:

a. "Strengthening Relations with the Pastor and the Congregation", led by Beth Crissman for chairs and members of PPR/SPR committees.

b. "Introduction to the Spiritual Care Program at Rowan Helping Ministries and Cooperative Christian Ministries," led by Joe Luther, Ed Hosack, Dianne Scott, and Betty Jean Prewitt for Salisbury district pastors. Come and learn about a new program to give spiritual care to the individuals and families seeking assistance at RHM and CCM, as well as to staff members and volunteers.

c. "Disaster Response in WNCC", led by Mike Collins, conference director of Volunteer Response Ministries, for anybody wanting to be involved in the ministry of disaster relief.

d. "Hispanic Ministry in the Salisbury District", led by Deya and Frank Ramos, Karie Long, and members of the district's Hispanic Ministry Team. Come and learn how you can be a part of sharing the love of Christ with our Latino neighbors in Rowan and Cabarrus counties.

e. "Safe Sanctuaries", led by Anna Barden and other district trainers. Local churches must have a "Safe Sanctuary" policy in place for the sake of our children by December 2005. This workshop will provide information needed to write those policies.

f. "Small Groups", led by Cynthia Mackey and Angela Marlowe" for anybody wanting to know more about John Wesley's emphasis on small groups as well as small group options and resources for today's local church.

g. "We Want to Grow, So How Do We Begin?", led by Carl Settle for clergy and lay persons interested in learning more about sharing Christ with others and welcoming newcomers into the church.

According to this, the district leadership conference will be at Trinity UMC in Kannapolis.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Jeff Hassel, our missionary


This year at Charge Conference, we included a line item in our budget to support Jeff Hassel, who is a United Methodist missionary from our annual conference to Lithuania. Some members of our church Outreach Committee met Jeff this past year when he came to Shiloh to share his work with that committee.

The kids of his congregation in Vilnius, Lithuania (a former Soviet occupied country, now free) have been busy since September making Christmas cards which Jeff buys in order to help the kids and their families. Jeff has put some of the nicest cards on his web page and invites you to have a look:

"Our kids had no idea that they were talented artists," Jeff said. "But when I looked at the work they did, I was convinced that God was using this creative exercise of card making to reveal talents that were hidden and encourage these kids." I think it's not a coincidence that God revealed their talents as they were painting pictures of angels that appeared to the shepherds announcing Jesus' birth."

One girl, named Emilija is from an impoverished family in which both the mom and dad are alcoholics and the dad is physically abusive. Emilija had real problems with self confidence and preferred to "Blend into the woodwork" rather than receive attention of any kind. Her art work opened a door for her to receive compliments from everyone who saw her paintings, and now she even has a speaking part in our Church Christmas play! She is a girl with a newfound confidence that God has indeed given her talents. "I think it is getting through to Emilija that SHE IS NOT TALENTLESS AND WORTHLESS - despite what her dad says."

I hope you enjoy looking at the paintings that Emilija and two other kids have made for you.

Merry Christmas from Rev. Jeff Hassel and the congregation of the Vilnius United Methodist Church in Lithuania.

The entire newsletter is on display on a table beneath bulletin board outside my office at the church. There is also a Christmas card there, made by one of the children that Jeff works with in Lithuania.

Like I said, the church has $150.00 in our annual budget for 2005 to support Jeff's mission work. If you would like to give additional money, make a check out to the church and mark it "Jeff Hassel." I hope we can have Jeff come to Shiloh next year so that he can speak to the whole church on a Sunday morning! The members of our Outreach Committee had a wonderful time listening to him describe his work in person, and I hope the whole congregation will get to hear him next year!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Prayer Concerns from Dec. 12, 2004

Jehane Pope, Eugene Honbarrier, Joyce Kneip & family, Bill & Norma Hoyle, Ralph Massey (in the hospital), Hurst family, Carolyn Smith, Randy Burrows, David Earnhardt, Nic Howard, Jay Phillips, Mike Phillips, Everette Phillips & family, Marisa Rabon, Alexis Rabon, Betty Earnhardt, Janet Durant, Betty Wilson, Prayer of Thanksgiving for Boss Fink’s successful surgery, Mona Rhodes (Patsy Boone’s sister), Shirley Boone, Annie Bringle, The Doby family, Mary Hartley, Margaret & Dwight Lowder, Claudine Drye, Amber Kepdy, Tammy Nayor & son “Aaron,” “Chance” a little boy who was burned, Pearl Campbell, Walt Masters, Reuben & Martha Marlowe, Andy Clement, family of david Houck, our troops, their families, and the people of Iraq.

Also, Brad Hudson (Annie Marie Seaford's nephew)is having knee surgery on Monday morning.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Prayer Requests - Dec. 5

Here is the prayer list from Sunday, Dec. 5. Sorry it took so long to post it - Everytime I would leave the church, I would forget to bring it home with me.

I'll try to do better next week!

Glenn Doby, Carl Doby, Wendy Condrey, family of David Houck, Joyce Kneip & family, Jim adn Martha Caldwell, our troops & their families, the citizens of Iraq, Reuben & Martha Marlowe, Everette Phillips & family, Andy Clement, Baby Sierra, Pearl Campbell, Walt Masters, Boss Fink, Betty Wilson, Annie Bringle, Tammy Naylor & son Aaron, family of Brenda Hurst, Margaret & Dwight Lowder, Clandine Drye, family of Raymon Johnson, Collins family, Cater & Bill Chestnut, Greta Laughlin, Williams family, Shirley Jackson, all the children of the church, Ruth Watson, Ken Kluttz, Carolyn Smith, Randy Burrowns, Sandra Earnhardt.

Also, Stephanie Hamrick emailed me a prayer request:

"Bonnie Cauble, a sister of a friend of mine, has severe colon cancer, stage 3, and has a spot on her liver that they think is cancer too. Please pray for her."

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Proposed Fellowship Hall Sketches

Depending on what kind of connection you have, it could take a long time to pull up these images, so I decided just to provide the links:

Click here to see an elevation.

Click here to see a floor plan.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Ladies Night Out

The Ladies Night Out tonight (Monday December 6) was great fun. Bill Ragsdale provided the entertainment with his magic act and ventriloquism. Karen Mace and Mary Ida Mathis volunteered in the magic show. Lorraine Lentz and Tussey Williams had everything decorated so festively. Jo Overcash presided and received a gift of appreciation for her leadership at the close of the evening. Door prizes went out to everyone, and Lynn Reeder led us in some Christmas carols. If you weren't there, you missed a good time. We had a great turn-out and lots of guests! I don't know the exact number, but the hut was pretty full.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Our Sympathies

Our symphathies go out to Everette Phillips, whose wife Mary died this morning at about 2:00 a.m. The funeral will be Monday at Shiloh at 11:00 a.m. Thanks to all three meal teams, who are going in together to prepare a meal for the family Monday after the funeral. The visitation will be at Powles funeral home in Rockwell on Sunday night from 6-8:30 p.m. Mary was a wonderful and loving person. I would welcome any of you to use the comment button below to share any of your favorite memories.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

All about Safe Sanctuaries

By December 2005, the Western NC annual conference requires all churches to have Safe Santuary policies in place. Read about them here. Shiloh has a special connection to this important topic because Joy Melton, the denomination's leading authority on this subject, is married to our own David Melton, who grew up in our church. Some of you may remember that David Melton preached at Shiloh a few years ago, as one of the "Sons of Shiloh." You can read more about Safe Santuaries at Dunwoody UMC (where David is the Minister of Programs and Education) here.

Register with Food Lion

Click the link below to register your Food Lion MVP card with the church and help the church building fund. When you click the link, click "select orgnanization," then choose "NC" then choose "Granite Quarry," (if you choose "Salisbury" it won't work) then choose "Shiloh United Methodist Church." Even if you registered six months ago, you need to do it again for the year 2005. You have to enter all 12 digits. And please let us know when you have registered.

Click here to register your MVP card

Thank you very, very much!

Bulletin Announcements, Dec. 5, 2004

Memorial: We have received a gift to the Glory of God and in memory of Virginia Arey, M/M JC Earnhardt, and Robert Williams by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Earnhardt. A gift given by Mrs. Tussey Williams in memory of George Williams was received. Also we received a memorial to Arnold Walton Jr, by the New Beginnings Sunday School Class.

Ushers and Nursery: Keeping the nursery in December are Eleanor Eller and Bitsy Dupree. Ushers are Ernest Plyler, Gene Seaford, Bill Walker, Claude Yates and Ralph Almond.

The Disciple IV class now meets on Sunday nights, rather than Thursday nights – still at 7:00 p.m.

Angel Tree gifts are due today- We thank everyone who took one of these angels as part of our commitment to Granite Quarry Elementary School.

Food Lion Shop and Save: We have re-registered our church for 2005. We also need to re-certify everyone who wishes to continue. If you have already been registered-you can give me your 12 digit number or go on line to their website and go to re-link and do it yourself. There were 52 names in 2004- so far there are 21 for 2005.

Confirmation Class
All students in grades 6-12 who have not been through a confirmation class, please see Pastor Jonathan if you are interested. We want to have a confirmation class that will include: a weekend retreat to Junaluska, a trip to the Jewish synagogue, lessons with the pastor, and a service project. We also want each confirmand to have an adult mentor in the congregation. The whole experience will last for ten weeks in the winter/spring of 2005.

Witness Committee
Our Witness Committee would like to do a promotional DVD for our church - to give to new residents in Granite Quarry to encourage them to attend our church. If you have ideas of activities in our church to include in this DVD/video, please see pastor Jonathan.

Special Christmas Events:
Dec. 6 - Ladies Night Out 6:30 p.m. in Hut – ALL WOMEN INVITED!
Dec. 16 - James Mathis Class Party – other adult SS classes also invited
Dec. 19 – Christmas Program with adult choir and children
Dec. 22 - Church Caroling

On December 16th, the James Mathis Class will have their Christmas Party which is for all of the adult Sunday School Classes.

Rowan Meals on Wheels. In today’s bulletin is an insert for the meals on wheels program which Shiloh help deliver to the people in East Rowan. The money from these tours help fund these programs. If you are unable to attend the open house and would like to make a monetary contribution, please see Eleanor Eller.

Dedication of Narthex Doors

Shiloh United Methodist Church
November 21, 2004

“Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors! That the King of Glory may come in!” (Psalm 24:7)

Jesus said, “I am the gate for the sheep. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.” (John 10: 7-9)

“Knock, and the door will be opened for you.” (Matthew 7:7)

“Listen, I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.” (Revelation 3:20)

Throughout the Scriptures, the door was seen as a metaphor for the opening up of our relationship to God. And so it is fitting this day that we begin this service of worship by dedicating these beautiful new narthex doors to the glory of God.

As we dedicate these doors to God’s glory, may we also dedicate ourselves to God’s service by opening up the doors of our church to welcome all of God’s beloved children.

May all who walk through these sacred doors find a church within that welcomes them, loves them, and empowers them to live as Christian disciples.

May all who exit our church through these doors be sent in mission to the world to proclaim the love of Christ through their words, their actions, and their lives.

And so, we present these doors to be consecrated to the glory of almighty God and for service in this church,

In memory of Richard Lewis Kluttz and Larry Dean Kluttz
By the Lewis Craven Kluttz family

In memory of Marjorie Drye Almond
By the Ralph Almond family

In memory of Harold Sumner and Geneva Kluttz Melton
In memory of Harold S. Melton, Jr.
By the David A. Hoffman family

In memory of Jerry Franklin Kluttz
By the Doris Kluttz family

In memory of Lloyd Dixon and Elizabeth Parker Veach
By their family and friends.

We accept these doors as a sacred trust, and will guard and use them reverently.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we consecrate these doors to the glory of God in memory of God’s servants.

Let us pray:

Most Loving God, without you no words or works of ours have meaning. Accept the gifts of our hands as symbols of our devotion. Grant us your blessing, as we have consecrated these gifts to your glory, that they may be enduring witnesses before all your people, and that our lives may be consecrated in your service; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer Requests from Nov. 28, 2004

Boss Fink, Betty Wilson, Dalton Marlowe & family, John Rendleman, Ed Brentham, family of Annie Brown, Roger & Betty Gardner, Walt Masters, Reuben & Martha Marlowe, Mary Phillips, Andy Clement, Joyce Kneip & Wendy Condrey & family, Annie Bringle, Pearl Campbell, Barry Powlas, military & their families, Mona Rhodes (Patsy Boone's sister), Edna Boykin, The Crowell family, Kluttz family, Ken Kluttz, Carolyn Smith, Randy Burrows, all members and visitors of Shiloh

"Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer."

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

BBQ on Saturday !

Remember to come to the Church Bar-B-Que on Saturday starting at 4:00 p.m. and lasting until about 7:30 p.m. in the hut. We thank the Lynch family for organizing this fundraiser for our church building fund!

UMW Charge Conference Report

November 16, 2004

The theme for the UMW for 2004 is “Reaching Out Through the Ages – 135 Years in Mission”.

UMW accomplishments for 2004:
· Published a UMW handbook for members
· Maintained a bulletin board highlighting special events and mission projects
· Kept church informed of UMW activities with an article in the church monthly newsletter
· Held memorial service for deceased members
· Had a program on “Call to Prayer and Self Denial”
· Participated in UMW Reading Program and urged members to read “Response and New World Outlook” magazines
· Completed the 5 channels of Giving
· Became a “Mission Today Unit”
· Donated cakes to Habitat for Humanity chicken dinner fund raiser
· Collected Campbell soup labels to aid the Granite Quarry Elementary School.
· Supported the Pregnancy Support Center by contributing monies and baby items.
· Supported the Prison MATCH program
· Supported Nazareth’s Children’s Home
· Supported Rowan Helping Ministry with money and canned goods
· Active in homecoming at Shiloh through cooking and cleaning
· Provided meals for family of deceased members
· Presented bibles to rising 4th graders on promotion Sunday
· Support Meals on Wheels program
· Hosted the annual Granite Quarry Sr. Citizen banquet by providing food, entertainment, serving the meal and 2 door prizes
· Assisted with the church wide yard sale
· Sold Rada cutlery to raise money for missions
· Sold Happy Home flavoring for mission monies
· Served meals to local Civitans group for mission monies
· Group met once a month to crochet and knit blankets for nursing home and shut-ins
· Hosted the Granite Quarry Sr Citizens Christmas banquet in December
· Sold Innesbrook wrapping paper to raise monies for mission programs
· Collected school supplies for Hands on Project for Methodist Children’s Homes in Charlotte and Winston-Salem
· Provided a meal during vacation bible school
· Served meal for a local class reunion
· Celebrated 135 Years in Mission with a special hymn sing for Fannie Gaither and presented her with a special recognition pin.

We had 15 ladies attend the annual WNCC Spiritual Enrichment Retreat at Lake Junaluska in June. Three ladies attended the District Mission Study at Midway UMC in Kannapolis. The District Spiritual Day Apart was attended by seven ladies at Unity UMC. At the Sept. District Annual Meeting five ladies attended Center UMC in Concord. We had two ladies to attend the WNCC Annual Conference meeting at Lake Junaluska in Sept.

During the month of February the UMW served as ushers and led the entire service on one of those Sunday’s and recognized Bitsy Dupree with a special recognition pin.

We celebrated Children’s Sabbath on Oct. 10th with a special service.

In December the UMW will host a church-wide “Ladies Night Out” for all the women. Our hands on project will be to collect items for the Pregnancy Support Center.

Jo Overcash - President

Jonathan's Journals - December 2004

The Candles of Advent

Advent is one of the special times around Shiloh. It is the season in which we prepare for Christmas. One of the services I enjoy most is the Festival of the Greens (or Hanging of the Greens). As we celebrate this service on Dec. 5, we will adorn our church for the coming of the King. Yet we also need to adorn our hearts and lives in preparation of the birth of the Messiah. May our lives be like the manger which Jesus graces with his presence.

One of the ways we observe Advent is by lighting a different candle on the Advent Wreath each Sunday. The first candle symbolizes hope. God’s people hoped for a Savior, and we still hope for the Savior today to make his kingdom known in its fullness. Even in the darkness of our bleak world, there is hope because God has not forsaken us, and God promises to work for our good. Notice that hope is different from saying that, “people will eventually be able to work out their problems; things will get better; just give it some time.” Christian hope is not based on human aspirations to make themselves better. It is not based on the myth of human progress. It is based on the conviction that God will not abandon his creation, that God is determined to break in to our settled arrangements and bring forth new life. There is a power loose in the universe that is bigger than all of our brokenness. God doesn’t leave us to our own devices, and so that gives us hope.

The second candle represents love, or Christ the way. It was out of love for us that God became incarnate in Jesus. It is his love for us that draws us to him today. Love is the primary trait of God’s character (1 John 3:12). Love marks the internal life of God’s triune nature as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through our baptism into the Triune God, we become part of his life, part of his love.

The Third Candle is the candle of joy. It is different from the other candles. The other candles in the circle are purple – a color associated not only with royalty, but also with repentance. (Advent is a season of repentance in preparation for Christmas, the way Lent is a season of repentance in preparation for Easter.) But for just this one Sunday in Advent, the emphasis is not on the somber note of repentance symbolized in the purple candles, but on the exuberant note of joy, symbolized by the rose-colored candle. The coming of Christ brings us great joy, not just the superficial happiness of getting what we want, but the deep joy of knowing that God has reached out to us and wants to include us in his family. With such joy in our hearts, we cannot help but sing God’s praise.

The fourth candle is the symbol of peace. The prophets foretold the time when nation would not lift up sword against nation, neither would they learn war any more (Isaiah 2:5). As Christians, we believe that this peace is fulfilled in Jesus, whom we worship as the Prince of Peace. Jesus makes possible a new way of living and relating to other people. We can have peace with our neighbors (both far and wide), peace with ourselves, and peace with God. Our world desperately needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

None of the first four candles would matter, if it were not for the tall white candle in the middle. It is Jesus Christ, whose birth is celebrated when the white Christ candle is lit on Christmas Eve, who brings us hope, love, joy, and peace. He is the light of the world. His light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome Him. (John 1:5).

Welcome to Shiloh Sharings

Welcome to Shiloh Sharings. I hope this will be a forum for us to keep in touch with one another as a church!