Shiloh Sharings

The official blog of

Shiloh United Methodist Church, Granite Quarry, NC

"Our hands are God's hands. All of us, empowered by the Holy Spirit, are inviting, welcoming, nurturing, and witnessing to all God's children to become loyal and devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. The more we focus on Christ, the more Christ-like we become."

Friday, December 10, 2004

Prayer Requests - Dec. 5

Here is the prayer list from Sunday, Dec. 5. Sorry it took so long to post it - Everytime I would leave the church, I would forget to bring it home with me.

I'll try to do better next week!

Glenn Doby, Carl Doby, Wendy Condrey, family of David Houck, Joyce Kneip & family, Jim adn Martha Caldwell, our troops & their families, the citizens of Iraq, Reuben & Martha Marlowe, Everette Phillips & family, Andy Clement, Baby Sierra, Pearl Campbell, Walt Masters, Boss Fink, Betty Wilson, Annie Bringle, Tammy Naylor & son Aaron, family of Brenda Hurst, Margaret & Dwight Lowder, Clandine Drye, family of Raymon Johnson, Collins family, Cater & Bill Chestnut, Greta Laughlin, Williams family, Shirley Jackson, all the children of the church, Ruth Watson, Ken Kluttz, Carolyn Smith, Randy Burrowns, Sandra Earnhardt.

Also, Stephanie Hamrick emailed me a prayer request:

"Bonnie Cauble, a sister of a friend of mine, has severe colon cancer, stage 3, and has a spot on her liver that they think is cancer too. Please pray for her."


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