Shiloh Sharings

The official blog of

Shiloh United Methodist Church, Granite Quarry, NC

"Our hands are God's hands. All of us, empowered by the Holy Spirit, are inviting, welcoming, nurturing, and witnessing to all God's children to become loyal and devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. The more we focus on Christ, the more Christ-like we become."

Monday, April 04, 2005

Prayer Concerns for April 3, 2005

Vada Cameron (Doug Cameron's mother who will have surgery on Wednesday), Joyce Kneip & family, Pearl Campbell, Elizabeth Marlowe, Margaret Jones, Nancy Jones, Lorraine Crouch, Carol Holshouser family, Dottie Winklery, Deborah Marlowe, Eric Lawrence, Margaret & Dwight Lowder, Mary Jean Crouch, Eva Dene Scearce, Elizabeth Marlowe (for making it home from the hospital well), Boss Fink, Betty Wilson, the Howard Family, Jeanette Houston, Bill Culp, Everette, Mike and Jay Phillips, Ashley Hunsucker and family, Deanna Glbeau, Gosh Gilbeau


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